About Us

Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute, established in 2018, is an umbrella organization working for the well-being of nature and wildlife of Cyprus and the wider Levantine Basin via its three operational programs. Three operational programs of CWRI are Rescue/Treatment and Rehabilitation, Research and Conservation, and Awareness Raising & Capacity Development. Rescue/Treatment and Rehabilitation operations are conducted under Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (WRRC), established in mid-2016, and Wildlife Hospital and Research Laboratory (WHRL), completed in 2019. These operational bodies fulfill wildlife rescue treatment and rehabilitation center requirements per international standards developed by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC). Every year approximately 1 thousand animals are treated and released back to nature. In addition to the WRRC and WHRL, Cyprus Marinelife Center (CMC), established in 2017, conducts treatment and rehabilitation activities for the globally threatened sea turtles. Research and Conservation operations of the institution are conducted with aims; (i)to fill the gaps in spatiotemporal knowledge on biodiversity at the Pan-Cyprus level, (ii) to effectively monitor critical species and their habitats at the landscape level, (iii) to develop conservation strategies ensure the sustainability of ecosystems and (iv) to safeguard precious genetical information via BioBank and SeedBank. CWRI’s Awareness Raising and Capacity Development program is operated via the Cyprus Environmental Education Center (CEEC). The program intends to raise awareness among citizens of Cyprus and key stakeholders (i.e., decision-makers, plan makers, local authorities) on the biodiversity of the island and threats to biodiversity. CEEC also conducts scientific workshops, training courses, and guided biodiversity tours at the CWRI campus to ensure a better understanding of biodiversity and related causes by the public. The CWRI is aware of human resources’ importance in undertaking systematic, multi-disciplinary, long-term surveys of wildlife and habitats. For this reason, CWRI invites national and international volunteers from any background to train on subject-specific skills and knowledge to participate in observing and conserving wildlife in Cyprus and the wider Levantine Basin.